Abstract Submission (closed; ~3/16/2024)
Abstract Submission Guideline
Abstract submission fee: FREE
Content: We invite abstract submissions not only from the field of AI but also from diverse research areas including science, engineering, and medicine.
Deadline: All presenters (talk or poster) are required for submitting their abstracts by March 16th, 2024.
Presentation type: Please choose a presentation type - Poster (3 min) or talk (20 min) when you register.
Word limit: Abstract maximum 250 words. Abstract template (Link)
Presentation Guideline
Poster (Oral Poster Presentation; 5 min talk)
Each presenter prepares one-page PPT slide for the presentation using the template oral presentation template (link) provided. Although simple animation or transitions are allowed, it is discouraged to use extensive manipulation of the slide.
The PPT slide must be submitted to google form (link) as a ppt file no later than March 27 (Wed), 2024.
Each presentation should be completed within 5 min. A suggested format includes self-introduction of the speaker (~15 s); motivation and brief introduction (~1 m); method and main results (~1.5 - 2 min); conclusion (~30 s)
After every three presentations a combined Q&A session (5 min) will be intercalated.
The collected presentation slides will be made available to the participants after the conference.
Poster award: Top four posters will receive a $50 Amazon gift card as recognition.
Talk (15 min)
(3/23/2024 Update) The time for the talk presentation has been changed from 20 min to 15 min.
In the Talk session, the presenter will showcase their reserach for 15 min, including Q&A.